Financial Support

1. Introduction

Pupil Premium and Pupil Premium Plus funding is made available in English schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to close the gap between them and their peers. As a music hub, Barnet Education Arts Trust (BEAT) does not receive Pupil Premium or Pupil Premium Plus funding.

However, BEAT is committed to giving every young person access to a music education and to supporting eligible young people to develop their musical talent.

All applications for financial help for students eligible for Pupil Premium or Pupil Premium Plus funding will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

2. Eligibility

Applications will be considered from children included in the following categories:

  • Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as Ever 6 Free School Meals (FSM) as well as eligible children with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) pupils in these year groups.
  • Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989 as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority.
  • Children who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority in England and Wales because of adoption, a special guardianship order, or child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
  • Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as Ever 6 service child or
  • Parents of pupils in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence

3. Available remissions

Please note only one subsidised discount can be applied per applicant (per pupil). On receipt of appropriate evidence, BEAT will confirm remissions a to a maximum of £50 per pupil per term.

3.1 Lesson subsidised discounts

If a child meets one of the following criteria and is receiving an individual Instrumental or vocal lesson from a BEAT tutor in a Barnet School or BEAT Academy, they will be entitled to £50 off lesson fees per term.

Group lessons are offered in durations of 20 minutes or 30 minutes. Only 2 eligible children will be able to receive the £50 subsidy in each group, giving a maximum of £100 subsidy for any one group.

3.2 Sibling Discounts

Families who do not fall into the above categories can still benefit from a 10% discount for siblings.

Sibling discounts can only be applied to £120 band membership. The first child pays in full, subsequent children will receive a discount of 10% on their main activity only.

Please note only one subsidised discount can be applied per applicant, up to a maximum of 10% remissions of group fees (per pupil).

3.3 Multiple Group discount (flagship groups only)

These are available for those who are members of more than one of the following groups:

The first group will be paid at full price, subsequent groups charged at 50% (up to a maximum of two extra groups).

3.4 Instrument Hire and Charging

Instruments can be hired free of charge from BEAT to any child eligible to a remission as stated under point 2.

3.5 Discretionary funding

We are keen to ensure that all pupils who attend BEAT Music Academies are able to access high quality music provision. To support this aim we offer Discretionary Funding awards to children who may not meet the criteria for Pupil Premium but who have a specific and demonstrable financial need that presents a barrier to participation.

Please note that we can only consider applications that are supplied with clear evidence of a specific and demonstrable financial need. Discretionary funding decisions will take into account a combination of; financial need, commitment, musical potential, previous commitment and attendance at BEAT activities, and the ability to make a positive contribution to, and take full benefit from activities at BEAT.

Where a need has been identified and an application has been accepted, BEAT may choose to award a time limited discretionary award to support the child’s continued musical education at the Music Academy. Awards are offered for a limited time period of one term, at which point the application will be reviewed to consider whether further funding can be offered (awards are not automatically renewed).

Further funding will be subject to the following criteria:

  • Financial need
  • Commitment to all Music Academy activities
  • Musical progress and potential
  • Regular and punctual attendance at all rehearsals, courses and performances
  • Behaviour and attitude
  • Applications can be made via the relevant Head of Academy. Please note that all applications for discretionary funding or remission will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Discretionary funding awards are solely at the discretion of BEAT and any decision by the CEO is final. BEAT reserves the right to withdraw funding should pupils fail to meet the expected level of commitment and progress.

4. Applications

In all cases, proof of entitlement will be required before provision starts.

Applications can be made through the parent portal or by contacting your school directly. Please note that all applications for remission will be treated in the strictest confidence.

BEAT reserves the right to withdraw funding should pupils fail to meet the expected level of commitment and progress. The remission will be reviewed at the end of each academic year and continued funding is subject to pupils demonstrating the required level of commitment and progress.

5. Document Review

This document will be reviewed and updated at the date given below or as soon as practicable following changes to government eligibility criteria.

Issue Date: October 2023

Review Date: September 2024