Document Library

TitleDocument FormatLink
All the Difference (full)
Heno, Heno (full)
In the Playground (full)
What Are You? (full)
A Cappella (all)
A Cappella (alto)
A Cappella (bass)
A Cappella (soprano 1)
A Cappella (soprano 2)
A Million Dreams (alto predom)
A Million Dreams (bass predom)
A Million Dreams (full)
A Million Dreams (piano)
A Million Dreams (rehearsal notes)
A Million Dreams (soprano 1 predom)
A Million Dreams (soprano 2 predom)
A Million Dreams (tenor + alto predom)
A Million Dreams (tenor predom)
A Million Dreams SSA(T)B (piano score)
A Million Dreams SSA(T)B (vocals)
All the Difference (backing)
All Things Pass (full)
All Things Pass (part 1)
All Things Pass (part 2)
All Things Pass (piano)
Allegations of Abuse against Staff
Ani Ve’ata (full)
Ani Ve’ata (harmony)
Ani Ve’ata (melody)
Ani Ve’ata (piano)
Another Day of Sun (alto predom)
Another Day of Sun (bass predom)
Another Day of Sun (full)
Another Day of Sun (piano)
Another Day of Sun (score)
Another Day of Sun (soprano 1 predom)
Another Day of Sun (soprano 2 predom)
Another Day of Sun (SSA)
Another Day of Sun (vocals SSA)
Another Day of Sun (vocals SSAB)
BSMF23 Piano Set
BSMF23 Resource Pack for Teachers
BSMF23 Song Lyrics Booklet
BSMF24 Dynamics Flashcards
BSMF24 Piano Scores
BSMF24 Resource Pack for Teachers
BSMF24 Song Lyrics
BSMF24 Whiteboard Resources
Chattanooga (full)
Chattanooga (part 1a)
Chattanooga (part 1b)
Chattanooga (part 2a)
Chattanooga (part 2b)
Chattanooga (piano)
Dare (full)
Dare (part 1)
Dare (part 2)
Dare (piano)
Disciplinary Policy
Diverse Repertoire for Beginner Musicians
Diversity and Inclusion
Dowda Sane (full)
Dowda Sane (Papis solo)
Dowda Sane (Part 1)
Dowda Sane (Part 2)
Dowda Sane (Part 3)
Dowda Sane (Part 4)
EDI Resource Pack
Employee Handbook
Employee Handbook Receipt
Entrance of the Gladiators (J Fučiks US Marine Band)
Entrance of the Gladiators (looped)
Filtering and Monitoring Procedures
First Aid Policy
Flying Round (backing)
Flying Round (full)
Flying Round (piano loop)
Grievance Policy and Dignity at Work
Grow (all)
Grow (alto)
Grow (bass)
Grow (solo)
Grow (soprano)
Heno, Heno (backing)
Heno, Heno (loop)
Heno, Heno (spoken Ellen)
I Got Rhythm (flexible instrument parts)
I Got Rhythm (full)
I Got Rhythm (Part 1)
I Got Rhythm (Part 2)
I Got Rhythm (piano loop)
I Got Rhythm (piano)
I Got Rhythm (tuned perc)
I walked to the end of the road (full)
I walked to the end of the road (piano loop)
I walked to the end of the road (piano)
I walked to the end of the road (teaching notes)
I’m Still Singing (full)
I’m Still Singing (Part 1)
I’m Still Singing (Part 2)
I’m Still Singing (Part 3)
I’m Still Singing (Part 4)
I’m Still Singing (piano)
IMF23 Flying Round KS2 Score and Parts
IMF23 Lyrics Sheet
IMF23 Penguin Craft Template
IMF23 Piano Scores
IMF23 Picture Cards for Flying Round
IMF23 Resource Pack for Teachers
IMF23 The Same Moon Rhythm Flash Cards
IMF23 Whiteboard Resources
IMF24 Beegu Craft Template
IMF24 Heno Heno KS2 arrangement score and parts
IMF24 Piano Scores
IMF24 Resource Pack for Teachers
IMF24 Song Lyrics
IMF24 What Are You pitch shapes
IMF24 Whiteboard Resources
In the Playground (1 Teddy)
In the Playground (2 Zhao Spoken Yang)
In the Playground (2 Zhao)
In the Playground (3 Sailor)
In the Playground (4 Chickalo)
In the Playground (backing)
In the Playground (loop)
In the Playground (part 1)
In the Playground (part 2)
In the Playground (part 3)
Inclusion and Diversity Answers
Jikeleza (teaching notes)
Jungle Bit (parts)
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Let Your Little Light Shine (all)
Let Your Little Light Shine (alto)
Let Your Little Light Shine (bass)
Let Your Little Light Shine (soprano 1)
Let Your Little Light Shine (soprano 2)
Love Shine a Light (full)
Love Shine a Light (Part 1)
Love Shine a Light (Part 2)
Love Shine a Light (Part 3)
Love Shine a Light (Part 4)
Love Shine a Light (piano and tamb)
Low Level Safeguarding Concern
Makale Mazembe (full)
Makale Mazembe (teaching notes)
Makale Mazembe (unison + high)
Makale Mazembe (unison)
Mama don’t allow
Mama don’t allow (teaching notes)
Menopause Policy
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Mobile Device Policy
Music Exam Information for Teachers
Music of Life (alto predom)
Music of Life (bass predom)
Music of Life (full)
Music of Life (piano)
Music of Life (score)
Music of Life (soprano 1 predom)
Music of Life (soprano 2 predom)
Music of Life (SSA)
Music of Life (vocal)
Music Unlocked
Music Unlocked Answers
Nautilus Skeleton Score (parts)
On Children (alto 1 predom)
On Children (alto 2 + tenor + bass)
On Children (full)
On Children (rehearsal notes)
On Children (soprano 1 predom)
On Children (soprano 2 predom)
On Children SSA(B)
Online Instrumental Tuition Register
Online Pedagogy
Online Pedagogy Answers
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (full)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (Part 1)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (Part 2)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (Part 3)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (Part 4)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (percussion for classroom)
Orra Bhonna Bhonnagan (Unison)
Pay Policy
Positive Behaviour Policy
SCoS 2024 Rehearsal Notes
SCoS 2024 Song Lyrics
September (alto predom)
September (full)
September (piano)
September (rehearsal notes)
September (soprano predom)
September (tenor + bass predom)
September SAB (piano score)
September SAB (vocals)
Shosholoza (bass alto predom)
Shosholoza (bass predom)
Shosholoza (full)
Shosholoza (harmony 1 predom)
Shosholoza (harmony 2 predom)
Shosholoza (melody predom)
Shosholoza (score)
Shosholoza (SSAA)
Sing you now (full)
Sing you now (piano)
Sing you now (soprano 1 + piano)
Sing you now (soprano 2 + piano)
Sing you now (teaching notes)
Social Media Policy
St Thomas (parts)
Staff Code of Conduct
Staff Guidelines for Online Learning
Staff Privacy Notice
Suddenly (all)
Suddenly (alto predom)
Suddenly (bass predom)
Suddenly (soprano 1 predom)
Suddenly (soprano 2 predom)
Sunrise (backing track)
Sunrise (performance track)
TāReKiṬa (full)
TāReKiṬa (part 1)
TāReKiṬa (part 2)
TāReKiṬa (part 3)
TāReKiṬa (part 4)
TāReKiṬa (structure)
TāReKiṬa Choreography Notes
Teaching Standards
Thank You for being a Friend (full)
Thank You for being a Friend (part 1)
Thank You for being a Friend (part 2)
Thank You for being a Friend (piano)
The Same Moon (full)
The Same Moon (part 1)
The Same Moon (part 2)
The Same Moon (piano and tuned perc)
The Same Moon (piano loop with clicks)
The Same Moon (piano loop)
The Same Moon (piano only)
Three Little Birds (backing track)
Three Little Birds (with ukelele)
Together Wherever We Go (full)
Together Wherever We Go (piano)
What Are You? (backing)
What Are You? (part 1)
What Are You? (part 2)
Whistleblowing Policy
Whup Jamboree (full)
Whup Jamboree (part 1)
Whup Jamboree (part 2)
Whup Jamboree (part 3)
Whup Jamboree (part 4)
Whup Jamboree (piano loop)
Whup Jamboree (piano)
Will ye go, lassie, go (full)
Will ye go, lassie, go (teaching notes)
Winter Wonderland (easy C part + backing)
Winter Wonderland (guide melody + backing)
Winter Wonderland (teaching notes)
Winter Wonderland (vocals + backing)
Winter Wonderland (whiteboard resources)